The main reason why my Dad also has an Facebook account with no photos and no posts ever, is because he wants to make sure I get a Like on any of my posts, he’s worried I might get a post with no interactions, that might make me sad hehehe!

But that also helps for something else too. Like today when he checked his FB at noon he just realized it’s his birthday. We just finished lunch and he was like: “You know what, I think it’s my birthday. FB says so”. Mom be like: “Awesome, let’s go out for Pho tonight to celebrate, so I don’t have to cook”. “Go for it, I’ll pay for it, with Hakin’s money”. Dad happily said =))

Might sound strange to some of you but yeah, we are not the birthday people. My parents had been growing up in the war time so they cared more about being survival rather than having some fancy birthdays.  We don’t think forgetting it is a big deal. Fortunately in the last few years FB’s  always remind us about somebody’s birthday so we have some reasons to go out for a meal lol. In fact, due to the chaotic war time, they probably are not having the accurate birthdays.

Yeah, birthdays are not a big deal to us, since we don’t really consider it something super important, as long as we are happy every day and I appreciate being with my family as much as I can, doesn’t matter which day. People just have different ways to feel and show their love you know! Don’t get mad if I never remember yours!

I don’t really have any decent photos of my Dad, he does not like to be mentioned or posted about. He likes to keep low profile. While other girls fancy about how their Dads were so good looking when they were young hell me nah, my Dad was really not bmuahaha. I mean if I wanted to show a photo of him I wouldn’t care if he’s handsome or not, he’s just my dad and I’m only worried about his fashion lol.

My Dad doesn’t talk much and he could be very annoying sometimes since he has anxiety disorder. He worked for Vietnam Red Cross for most of his life, all about making the poor people  a better life. Always been a very humble and sweet man. I once bought him just a 30 dollars sweater at American Eagle on Black Friday. To him that’s “brand” and “new”, might be the most expensive clothing he has ever worn too. He wore it day and night in that winter and that annoyed my mom. She was like: “Hey stop wearing it too much, it’s new and expensive, save it”… And he was like: “I wear it because my daughter bought it for me…”

Well, it’s also true that my parents always wear old and used clothes. We were poor, now we are just having a very average life, was never rich, they can’t accept or enjoy anything expensive ever in their life, even, what, like a 30 dollars sweater!

But… well… doesn’t matter how not handsome he claims, how old and torn the clothes he’s wearing. He has a full head of beautiful gray hair which even English Prince dreams about, a great lazy retirement life with some awesome fights with my Mom everyday (actually it’s Mom who fights with him, he doesn’t fight back),  a garden and 5 dogs (though he hates it because he has to pick up their poops morning and night lol),

We are going to have Pho tonight hell yeah hehe!

I love you Daddy! Happy birthday to you!

Photo: That’s my Dad singing when he was in a band, back then when he was a soldier during the war. I think he had some lipstick on hahaha!

To some of my close friends, they all know that my Dad has an amazing voice, might be one of the best singers you’ve ever listened to: live 😉

(Writing in English might be easier for me)



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